Tooltips Categories: Englisch

Plug & Play

Plug & Play describes a quick start without complicated onbaordings, explanations and preparations. This is often the case when experienced and professional colleagues and consultants

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Maturity Assessment

A Maturity Assessment is the maturity analysis of a company. We compare your current state in recruiting with the benchmarks of your industry and work

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Key Performance Indicators
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) sind einfache und unmissverständliche Indikatoren für Performanz einer Organisation, Gruppe, Team oder eines Individuums.

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In , ident refers to suitable candidates for an open position who have been found and ‚identified‘, for example, by searching in social and professional

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Hiring Managers

Hiring Managers ultimately decide on the hiring of candidates. In most cases, it is the head of the department, team leader or a manager of

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